Welcome to the Board

Thank you for your commitment to supporting Inside Education. As a not-for-profit charitable society – registered under the Societies Act, Inside Education (officially the Inside Education Society of Alberta) is governed by you, our elected slate of Directors. 

This page is designed to help you understand our organization, your role on the Board, and houses information that can be easily accessed when needed.

Board Orientation Package

Inside Education Overview   Board Governance   Board Materials Archive

Inside Education Overview

What are our mission, vision and values?

Our Mission:

We support teachers and inspire students to better understand the science, technology, and issues related to our environment and natural resources.

Our Vision:

We envision future generations of engaged stewards thinking critically about our environment and natural resources, and their important relationship with our economy and society.

Our Program Values:

  • We Believe in Experiential Learning to Enrich the Curriculum: Our team of educators work directly with teachers and students every day to create first-hand experiences and hands-on learning opportunities that leave a lasting impact.
  • We Focus on Key Topics and Issues with an Eye to the Future: We give students and teachers the knowledge, skills, and tools to be innovative leaders and take action in topics related to the environment and natural resource development today and tomorrow.
  • We Make our Programs Accessible Across Alberta: Our programs are offered at no cost to schools across the province. Our team of educators ensure that all schools have equal opportunity to access our programs and resources. 
  • We Bring Together Experts with a Spectrum of Perspectives: Working collaboratively we encourage program participants to be well-informed, critical thinkers and stewards of our environment and natural resources.

Who are our primary audiences?

Inside Education is committed to supporting K-12 Education by working with partners, experts and other organizations that align with our mission and vision. 

  • Teachers: This is our primary audience for outreach, we tailor our programs to meet their needs
  • Students: Intended beneficiaries of our programs, we work directly with them on programs
  • School Districts/Administrators: We enter into master agreements with school boards and seek administrative endorsement of our programming
  • Partner Organizations: We enter into partnership agreements with a wide variety of organizations that believe in our mission. Partners do not dictate the topics, approach or outcomes of our programs. We believe in working with partners on our programs and provide numerous opportunities for engagement
  • Environmental Professionals and Experts: In an effort to promote knowledge sharing we invite experts representing a myriad of perspectives (Industry, Government, NGO, Academia, Indigenous and others to speak to students and teachers during our programs
  • Education Service Providers: We work collaboratively with organizations to support teachers, we share best practices, extend reach of resources and cross pollinate our programming
  • Government: We do not advocate or lobby government but participate in an advisory capacity where appropriate
  • Granting Organizations: We submit proposals to enhance our program offerings and provide timely reports to ensure we maintain in good standing
  • Contracting Organizations: We sometimes enter fee for service agreements with organizations that align with the mission, vision and values of Inside Education
    Media: We invite media to attend events and share stories of teacher and student success

What programs do we offer?

Inside Education offers diverse programs to schools with the aim of supporting teachers and inspiring students to engage in natural resource and environment topics. The vast majority of our programs are offered at no-cost through financial contributions of our partners - donations and sponsorships, grants and contracts.

Teacher Professional Development Programs
Single or multi-day programs to support teachers in bringing current and relevant information about environment and natural resources to the classroom.

Student Outreach - Classroom Presentations and Field Trips
Direct delivery by our team of professional educators in classrooms,outdoor field sites and off-site environmental innovation days.

Learning Resources
Curriculum connected materials provided to K-12 teachers to help them bring natural resources and environmental education to the classroom.

Youth Summits
Multi-day experiential youth environmental leadership programs. Flagship programs are:

  • Generate: Youth Energy and Climate Leadership Summit
  • Navigate: Youth Water and Environment Leadership Summit
  • Cultivate: Youth Agricultural Leadership Summit
  • Regenerate: Youth Forest and Wildlife Leadership Summit


  • A+ for Energy - Funding provided by Inside Education for school-based energy education projects
  • Learning Gardens - Through contract agreements, we are the Alberta hub for Nutrients for Life and Little Green Thumbs garden grants. Funding is not provided by Inside Education, we assist in allocation of the grants and support classroom teachers through grant implementation. 

Who are our staff?

Inside Education values professionalism and builds our team to complement the needs of the organization and our audiences. The team represents diverse skills including education and environmental content expertise, communications, design, accounting.  We have a range of internal policies aimed at protecting the staff, our audiences and the organization.

We have offices in Edmonton and Calgary, as well as a staff with a home office in Grande Prairie and a contractor in Fort McMurray. Click here to see a list of our current team.

Staff Compensation
Inside Education benchmarks salaries to ensure we are fairly compensating our team. In addition to competitive salaries, we offer professional development allowance, work-from-home and alternative work arrangements (in discussion with their supervisor), as well as a generous benefits package.

Who are our partners?

As a registered Canadian charity, Inside Education invites donations and in-kind support from organizations and individuals who wish to support our mission and vision. 

It is important to note, our funding partners do not have, nor have they ever requested, editorial or program control. Inside Education’s programs are designed, developed and delivered by Inside Education. We have nearly 40 years’ experience and excellence behind us. We work hard to earn and maintain the trust of the educational community. 

  • Alliance Partners are generally any funding level >$50,000
  • Sustaining Partners include partnerships and grants <$49,999
  • Friends include all small donations and in-kind support

Click here to find a list of our current partnerships

Board Governance

Roles & Responsibilities of the Board

The Board of Directors provide advice, strategic direction, support and leadership to the Society and to the Executive Director. 

 As a not-for-profit charitable society – registered under the Societies Act, Inside Education (officially the Inside Education Society of Alberta) is governed by an elected slate of Directors. According to Inside Education by-laws, this slate will not exceed 20 individuals. 

 Directors Are: 

  • The only voting Members of the Society.
  • Sit on the Board as individuals, that is, Directorships are awarded to individuals, not organizations, corporations or government departments.
  • Are fully insured by Board of Directors’ insurance. All Directors are insured in the event any legal actions may be taken against the Members of the Society (ie. the Board).
  • Are in a fiduciary relationship with Inside Education – meaning Directors enjoy a position of confidence and trust. As such, Directors are legally required to act toward the Society with a heightened sense of loyalty and fidelity, and act in a manner consistent with the best interests of the Society in all matters related to the undertaking of trust and confidence.

Responsibilities of the Board

The Board and it’s members will: 

  • Hire and conduct performance review of the Society’s Executive Director.
  • Meets four or five times per year with in-person options in both Edmonton and Calgary. While Directors are encouraged to attend in person, accommodations are always made for video/teleconferencing.
    Approve the Society’s annual budget and endorse the direction of the program plan.
  • Directors may participate in Board committees – some Directors will be asked to be the Board Liaison with/for these committees and report back to the Board as a whole.
  • Assist in the development of the strategic plan and guiding principles of the organization.
  • Define how the Board will organize itself to get its work done.
  • Provide accountability and linkage to the Inside Education audiences.

Who is on the board?

Our bylaws state that our organization shall not exceed a slate of 20 directors. Directors sit as individuals, not as representatives of their company, organization or other memberships. 

Our current slate of directors and their biographies can be found here.

Board Meetings

We hold 4-5 board meetings per year, with our AGM typically taking place in May - our bylaws state that the AGM must occur no later than June 30 each year. We often host a full board strategic planning and board ’retreat’ in March/April.

Attendance can be in person at our offices in Edmonton or Calgary or you may join virtually. Quorum of 50% of all appointed directors is required.

Board Meeting Schedule & Key Decisions

  • May - AGM, approval of audited financial statements, slate of directors appointed
  • Late Spring/Early Fall standard meeting
  • Fall - standard meeting
  • January - presentation of the annual budget and program plan 
  • March  - Strategic Planning & Board Retreat

Working with the ED

Recognizing that the Board of Directors has ultimate responsibility for the organization, the Board delegates to the Executive Director in such that the Board might be free from operational matters. The executive director has responsibility for:

  • Human resource matters and hiring of all staff;
  • Organization of operational policies, programs and procedures;
  • Managing the day-to-day activity of staff, either directly or through delegation;
  • Financial management;
  • Monitoring financial and program performance and preparing summary reports for Board review
  • Liaison with the Inside Education Audiences

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is done in collaboration with the board and senior management at Inside Education. The current strategic plan covers a 5-year time frame from 2023-2028. Strategic initiatives are reported on a minimum of once/year. Adjustments can be made as needed to align with current priorities and changes to the community landscape.

Inside Education’s current Strategic plan can be found here: Inside Education Strategic Plan-2023-2028

The Strategic Plan was reported on in March of 2024 -  Strategic_Plan_2024_Progress report

Organizational Policies

Organizational Bylaws

Inside Education organization bylaws are adopted from the Alberta Government. They contain articles that outline Inside Education name, membership, board composition, processes for board meetings and administration of the organization. 

Bylaws were last updated June 2020.

Inside Education Society of Alberta Bylaws can be found here: Inside Education Bylaws June 2020.

Board Committees

Directors may participate in Board committees – some Directors will be asked to be the Board Liaison with/for these committees and report back to the Board as a whole.

The most recent committee was struck for the recruitment of the new Executive Director.

Board Archive

2024 Meeting Materials

Password protected documents to be added here.

Inside Education’s work brings us to all corners of the province, as such, we acknowledge the Indigenous Peoples in the area currently known as Alberta. The relationship the Peoples of Treaty 6, Treaty 7, and Treaty 8 and Alberta’s Métis Peoples have with the land is founded on a deep respect for the environment. This connection forms the foundation of our personal responsibility for stewardship of the environment, a connection Inside Education strives to foster among students and teachers through our diverse programming. Inside Education is a registered charity #101894319RR0001

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