Summit Details
Regenerate will be Inside Education’s 13th award-winning provincial youth summit. We are excited to work with you to make sure your summit experience is a fun, safe and impactful learning experience.
Why should your school attend?
- Have a unique experience while meeting influential people from across Alberta who will share firsthand knowledge, ideas and inspiration.
- Take your learning beyond the classroom while connecting to science, social studies, outdoor education and CTS curriculum.
- Great leadership opportunities that can build careers, resumes and networks for both students and teachers.
- Create a legacy in your school and community through a meaningful forest education and action project.
Getting your team together
Regenerate forest leadership teams consist of 2 teachers and 4 students (age 14+) from Alberta high schools. Student rooms are double occupancy so please keep that in mind when making your selections. You do not have to have your full team decided when you apply but we will ask for the final list at least 1 month prior to the summit.
All-expenses paid!
Both students and teachers will receive a full scholarship to attend the summit! This includes all meals, accommodations, registrations, and social events during the summit.
What about travel, meals, safety? We’ve got you covered - see our Regenerate FAQs page.